A horary question is considered to be ‘born’ at the moment that the question is read and understood by the astrologer. As such, there is no need for any birth data from the querent themselves. The question itself needs to be of importance however, not just asked out of curiosity. Some types of question especially ...
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I am trained in both modern and traditional Western astrological techniques. The modern approach is very much based around the personality of the client, looking into the various ‘ingredients’ which make up their whole and the ways in which they are likely to react internally and interact externally on whatever life experiences ...
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My interest in all things esoteric go back to early childhood. I opted at a single digit age however for the path of the musician, but all the time keeping an interest and studies going in other areas including astrology. My first serious astrological studies go back to the early 1980’s but only in more recent years after several decades as ...
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